
Vitamin B12-Rich Dry Fruits: Benefits & Abundance

Vitamins are organic compounds meaning carbon-containing compounds that everyone needs in small or adequate quantities. These are in tiny amounts in natural foodstuffs and are essential for our bodies. Any imbalance of any particular vitamin may increase the risk of specific medical problems.

At present, thirteen vitamins are recognized which are of two types: Fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. Vitamins are soluble or dissolvable either in fats or water.

The vitamin requirement of every organism is different. Different vitamins play a diverse role in the body, and to stay healthy, every individual requires an additional amount of each vitamin. For example, we humans need Vitamin C, which can be obtained from our diets; dogs can produce [1] all the vitamin C they require for being healthy throughout their lifespan.

As we have mentioned that vitamins can be categorized into fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K. Our body stores [2] these fat-soluble vitamins in fatty tissue and the liver, and reserves of these vitamins can stay in the body for days and sometimes even months. 

Water-soluble vitamins neither stay [3] in the body for an extended period nor can be stored in our body. They get excreted via the urinary system. Hence, we require more supply of these water-soluble vitamins rather than fat-soluble ones to fulfill the body’s needs for optimal health, and also to prevent vitamin deficiency that could cause several health issues. The water-soluble vitamins include the Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C.

In this article, we will be discussing one such vitamin B called Vitamin B12 and its abundance in dry fruits.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin [4]. Also known by its chemical names like; Cyanocobalamin and methyl-cobalamin.

Vitamin B12 is vital for a healthy nervous system, brain function, and the production of red blood cells (RBCs).

Being water-soluble, it can dissolve in water and can also travel through the bloodstream. Vitamin B12 can be stored in our body for up to 4 years [5], and excess or unwanted vitamin B12 is released via the urinary system.

2.4 micrograms(mcg) is the dose recommended by The National Institute of Health (NIH) daily for teens and adults [6]. Still, an individual should consult their physician before starting any new supplements. Physicians may recommend vitamin B12 supplements to those who follow vegan diets mostly.

Reduced Vitamin B12 may lead to neurological problems and some types of anemia.

Source of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is obtained from good sources including fish, shellfish, meat, eggs, poultry, milk and dairy products, fortified nutritional yeast, and cereals. Along with these animal sources, vitamin B12 is also obtained from fruits such as apples, bananas, mango, and blueberry and veggies such as potatoes, and mushrooms.

Apart from all the above sources, now let’s have a look at some vitamin B12- dry fruits.

Dry or Dried Fruits

Dry fruits or dried fruits are fruits from which almost all the original water content has been removed using drying methods. The drying method can be normal sun drying, or through the use of special dryers or dehydrators.

During this process of drying the fruits shrink and a small, energy-dense dried fruit is obtained. Dried fruits can be preserved for a prolonged period and act as a handy snack when refrigeration is unavailable. Dried fruits are cherished all over the world due to their sweet taste, nutritive value, and long shelf life.

Nowadays, the consumption of dried fruits is extensive. The most common varieties of dried fruits that are consumed are raisins, figs, dates, prunes, and apricots. Dried fruits hold most of the nutritive value of fresh fruits.

A low to moderate glycemic index (GI) is seen in traditional dried fruits such as raisins [8].

Dried fruits are the best and most healthy alternative to unwanted snacking. They boost energy and stamina, and as they are rich in fiber, they also aid with digestion and general health. Dried fruits are an excellent source of protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins, zinc, and iron.

Benefits of Dry Fruits

  • It boosts immunity.
  • Aids in weight loss.
  • It keeps the skin healthy.
  • Fights against constipation.
  • Increases hemoglobin levels and fights anemia.
  • They maintain bone health.
  • They support heart health.

Dry Fruits and Vitamin B12

Animal sources provide the highest proportion of vitamin B12 among all food sources. However, they are also rich in organic foods like dried fruits. Vitamin B12 is contained in good amounts in dried fruits.

When vitamin B12 is coupled with the proteins found in dry fruits, the nutrients are more quickly absorbed, and vitamin B12 is thus easily delivered from the food source to the human body via the protein.

The vitamin B12 content of dry fruits including hazelnuts, pecans, anjeer (fig), walnuts, pistachios, cashews, almonds, and peanuts are significant.

ALSO READ: Is Anjeer Good for Diabetic Patients? Dried Figs Increases GL

Four almonds can be eaten every day in the morning. Almonds can even be soaked overnight and consumed the next day. The healthiest food, almonds enhances memory and brain function.

Peanuts may be similarly included in the diet. Additionally, peanuts are consumed in the evening in substitution for foodstuffs with less nutritional value. For a snack, one can create peanut chaat or have a handful of roasted peanuts.

The Bottom Line

A steady and balanced diet requires vitamin B12 as a vital ingredient. The recommended daily dietary allowance of vitamin B12 should be taken. You must consume enough healthy foods and rich sources of vitamin B12 to do this.

Along with the varieties of vitamin B12-containing fruits and veggies, you can also consume dry fruits. Dry fruits have a good amount of vitamin B12, and a handful of dry fruits can be included in everyday diet. Introducing dry fruits into your daily diet can help prevent diseases like diabetes and cholesterol, build immunity, and control hunger, leading to weight loss. 

Vitamin B12 is abundant in almonds and peanuts. Even yet, the other dry fruits only contain a little amount of vitamin B12; It does not considerably add to your regular diet, thus eating fruits and vegetables high in vitamin B12 may be beneficial.


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