
30 Mins Weight Loss Home Exercise Plan For Men

People have the simplest yet most busy life these days. Long working days at desks and the world of electronics have reduced the capacity for individuals to move. Most folks don’t have enough time all day. This not only increases the amount of fat they accumulate but also impairs their other body processes. A fun, efficient training regimen enables you to be at the top of your health. In this Article, the exercise program we will discuss will only take 30 minutes, including warm-up and downtime. Most workouts in this scheme are bodyweight exercises, which may be done anyplace immediately after your workout clothing is applied.

How 30-Minute Workout Does the Trick

Study shows that 30 minutes of workout in a day is adequate and effective. Studies suggest that moderately weighted men who workout hard enough that they sweat up to 30 minutes per day lose 8 pounds of weight on average in three months compared to the man who has average weight, loss up to 6 pounds who exercise up to 60 minutes per day. The weight loss results are surprising. Also, half an hour of exercise in a day is doable. Most people have enough time and energy.

A 30-minute workout in a day also provides additional weight loss benefits. People have energy leftover after they are done with shorter workouts; it helps them in being physically active throughout their day. So trying this exercise routine will get the blood pumping & metabolism going. You will get to test your balance, strength, and endurance in a 30-minute circuit. This routine can also be practiced at your home. 

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  • Warm-Up (Time 3min): Your warm-up session should be of low to moderate intensity and your aim should be getting your blood flowing in your body & priming the muscles ahead of the vigorous exercises.

The Workout

This exercise is great for improving the fitness level & shedding excess of your body fat. This workout regimen includes full-body movements while you work around 80-90% of the maximized heart rate for 30 seconds. It’s followed by fifteen seconds for rest & recovery, in this time you’ll get prepared for the next workout. Each of these 6 workouts is performed once in each circuit. Between these circuits, you must take 90-seconds for rest & recovery before getting started with the next one. The main goal of this training is to match the intensity & energy of all circuits. 

1. Mountain climber (Time: 30 sec, Recovery: 15 sec)

Get down into the press-up position, by bringing one of your knees up closer to the chest, without letting the foot touch the floor, after that place your foot back to the starting position. As soon as you get back to the starting position, power the other knee up towards the chest & then place it back. Alternate for 30 secs. Make sure you do not raise the hips.

2. Jump squat (Time: 30secs, Recovery 15 seconds) 

It’s an intense version of the normal squat as you add up explosive jumps in this exercise. Start this exercise by standing on both of your feet placed shoulder distance apart. Dropdown & sit into the squat position. The focus of this exercise should be on the pelvic region. Make sure you do not bend the torso forwards. Try keeping your back & shin region vertical during the whole movement. During the squat, swing the arms while thrusting yourself up in the air, then landing softly.

3. Bicycle crunch (Time 30 seconds, Recovery 15 seconds)

Do this exercise by lying flat on the back & raising your heels to 20cm off the floor. Then cradle the back of the head by using both of your hands & curling the top of the spine some centimeters off the ground. Then turn the right elbow of yours closer to the left knee, while looking to get the left knee closer to the right elbow. Then try getting both of the body parts to meet in the middle, take your knee & elbow back to the position from where you started, & immediately do the same move with the left elbow & right knee. Aim for fluid motion while ensuring the feet, neck & head do not touch the floor throughout.

4. Reverse lunge (Time 30seconds, Recovery 15 seconds)

Start this exercise by standing & bringing the hands together at the front closer to your chest, with the fist of your one hand touching the palm of the other. After that, take the right leg & step back up to the comfortable stride’s distance, then start lowering the right knee– make sure it does not touch the floor. Try getting as close as possible. Then come back to standing while repeating the movement with the opposite leg of yours. Also, make sure that the front knee does not come further forward compared to the toes. If it’s, the stride backward which needs for a little longer. If you’re executing a move correctly, the thigh muscles would burn & each of your hip flexors should feel as if they are getting pulled gently.

5. Press-up (Time 30 seconds, Recovery 15 seconds)

Start doing this exercise in the press-up position. Make sure the chest, stomach & legs hover above the floor. If you think it’s way too difficult, for you to hold your position for an extended time. Try bringing the knees closer to the floor while raising the feet in the air at the back to ensure you’re still at the four-point holding stance. Then from there, bend both of your elbows & start lowering them slowly, while making sure the chest & stomach don’t touch the floor underneath you. While you’re at the centimeter range above the floor, or at some point where you are in the position of feeling your muscles closer to your chest & by the armpits pulling, pushing yourself back.

6. Star jump (Time 30 seconds, Recovery 90 seconds)

Start this exercise by standing with both of your arms at the sides. Jump & simultaneously, take the hands out as they’re aligned with the shoulders & spring the legs wide as they’re placed at more distance than your shoulder width. While you land, jump back to the position from where you started.

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Cool Down (Time 3min)

Then cooling down is very important as it’s a gradual & controlled method of lowering the heart rate while stretching your muscles that have been under constant working. Make sure you stretch your muscles that have been worked mostly, so they won’t sore. Cooldown won’t delay the stiffness and soreness but won’t let it happen at all.

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