Some people believe that apple cider vinegar for ear infections in adults can be beneficial.
An ear infection can happen in the middle part, the inner part or the outer part of the ear.
Though there are not enough studies on the benefits or use of apple cider vinegar for an ear infection, some studies claim that apple cider vinegar has antibacterial, antifungal properties that help in treating ear infection in adults.
There are no such studies until now that studied the potential of ACV for ear infection treatment. We have looked into all the researches and we came to a conclusion.

An ear infection can occur due to the microbial, viral, or fungal activity inside your ear. As apple cider has the property to kill or reduce the bacterial growth, so ACV might be effective on the ear infection.
People across the world use apple cider vinegar as home remedies for ear infection. Most of them also use apple cider vinegar for earache treatment
There is another study that claims that if you apply raw apple cider vinegar directly on the skin, can cause inflammation and irritation.
We’ll provide you the quick guide to applying apple cider vinegar into your infected ear and also what are the potential risk of applying apple cider vinegar in your infected ear.
People sometimes misunderstand about the ear infection So, before proceeding to the applying and treatment process you should know that what is an ear infection? and what are the symptoms? So you can get what you want.
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What Is An Ear Infection?
You know that you have a tube-like part of the ear called Eustachian tube that is responsible for equalizing air pressure. when the eustachian tube becomes swollen and this traps fluid, this leads to infection of the ear.
An ear infection occurs usually in the middle part of the ear but can occur at the inner part of the ear also.
Your ear infection can occur due to many reasons. We’ll discuss later on.
What Are The Symptoms Of Ear Infection?
Few common symptoms included in ear infections are:
- Discomfort inside the war or mild pain
- Puss like ear drainage
- The feeling of pressure inside the ear that persists
- Loss of hearing
How Does ACV For Ear Infections Work?
There is not any specific study on Apple cider vinegar for ear infections in adults or infants. But there are several studies that tell us about the efficacy of ACV in anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties.
These studies are done on specific species like Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, and staphylococcus aureus which are more common causes of ear infection.
A 2018 study claims that ACV is effective in these species of bacteria and yeast because of the acetic acid environment. This study tells the anti-bacterial efficacy only.

A recent study in 2019 on how ACV as a home remedy works? Yes, this study authenticates the anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal property of ACV.
It means that apple cider vinegar can be used as a home remedy also. People often ask Can ACV be used as any home remedies? So the answer is yes.
Acetic acid attacks the bacterial cell wall which ultimately slows down the growth of the bacterial culture.
But good thing is, ACV reduced the inflammation in the ear infection
However a dilute of apple cider vinegar can be effective for ear infection in adults. There is a downside too. Concentrated or raw apple cider vinegar can cause irritation and sensitivity to the skin.
How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For An Ear Infection?

At what method you do, you have to dilute the ACV with normal water or warm water so the effect becomes less.
Method To Use:
- Their first advice is to consult an ear, nose, throat specialist for approval on treating ear infection with ACV.
- After approval, create a mixture of ACV and warm water in equal amount.
- Tilt you face to the infected ear, facing toward the ceiling.
- Squeez 4-5 drop from the dropper
- Wait for 5 minutes, until the mixture reaches the canal
- Then tilt your head in the opposite direction to drain it.
Never use the full concentrated ACV for an ear infection or any purpose otherwise may cause irritation to the skin.
If you feel irritation then discontinue this process.
What Can Be The Causes of An Ear Infection?
Your ear infection occurs due to the blockage of the eustachian tube. Swallowed of the eustachian tube results in trapping fluid. This eustachian tube runs directly through your throat.
Causes of blocking of the Eustachian tube.
- You might have developed an allergy to something.
- Due to cold, the eustachian tube can be swollen and be blocked which results in an ear infection.
- Sinus can be the reason also.
- Excess mucus can block the tube.
- Change in pressure also results in an ear infection.
But the thing is we can use apple cider vinegar for ear infection wisely.
We can use ACV for ear infectionin adults. Apple cider vinegar is so powerfull that can also effect you skin in a negative way. Be carefull when using it, especially when directly applying. It would be best if you consult any doctor before using this method.
Effect of ACV can vary from person to person, depends upon their skin type. If you already have any allergic reaction to something then this method may not for you.
[…] ear infection: Yes, you can use ACV in an ear infection. You can read the method how to use apple dider for ear infection in our other […]