
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Diabetes? [New Studies]

With several benefits of apple cider vinegar, everybody wants to take the short path of ACV. But the real question for diabetics is, is apple cider vinegar good for diabetes? 

Let me tell you there is no evidence or study to prove this question directly. However several studies are going on but didn’t come to any conclusion about the use of apple cider vinegar for diabetes people. 

On the other hand, several studies also tell us about the anti glycemic property of vinegar.

is apple cider vinegar good for diabetes? Apple and Glucose Testing

Many studies are going on rats and all, but we aren’t rats right. So, we’ll talk about the studies which are performed on humans.

So, for the question is apple cider vinegar is good for diabetes? The answer is uncertain. No study provides evidence about the goodness of apple cider vinegar for diabetes.

We know that low glycemic index foods are good and favorable for diabetics. 

What is the Glycemic index? The Glycemic index is the number between 0-100 which is assigned to all the food. This number tells you about how rapidly a food after you eat, will increase your blood glucose level.

Low glycemic index food slowly increases the blood glucose level over time, whether the high glycemic index food rapidly increases the blood glucose level in our body.

So, diabetic people should avoid high glycemic index food.

What Is The Glycemic Index of Apple Cider Vinegar? 

The apple cider vinegar glycemic index is low. The GI for apple cider vinegar is 40 which is considered low.[Ref]

The favorable glycemic index food for a diabetic person is low glycemic index food which is below 55. [Ref]

As we found out that the glycemic index of apple cider vinegar is 40 which is lower than 55. This is good news. But, what amount of apple cider vinegar a diabetic should take? This is unknown. On this, only the studies are going on.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Diabetes? 

apple and apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar for diabetes is good or not we can’t say because there is less evidence or research done to prove this.

However, a study shows that vinegar can be beneficial for controlling and reducing postprandial glucose and insulin level. So vinegar can be the best tool to improve glycemic control. [Ref]

It was also found that with a bread meal if we take vinegar in small amounts, it is effective for lowering blood glucose levels and insulin response.

If we look at the glycemic index of apple cider vinegar, it is low. It means that diabetic can consume apple cider vinegar.

But there are many properties of apple cider vinegar which may help a diabetic person. Like,

Reducing weight, As an antioxidant.

But we don’t know what amount is good for you, so before taking apple cider vinegar consult your doctor before taking ACV. We only provide informational data.

Studies On Apple Cider Vinegar On Lowering Blood Glucose Level

As I told you, many studies on apple cider vinegar are done and still going on. Many studies tell about the lowering of blood glucose levels and insulin. 

A 2005 study shows that supplementation with bread meal gives the satisfaction of response in lowering insulin level, postprandial glucose, and lowering the Glycemic Index. This experiment was done with only 12 healthy people.[Ref]

A recent study of 2020 has done on the Safety and side effects of apple vinegar intake and its effect on metabolic parameters and body weight. This is a review paper studied on 450+ research papers. From them, 13 studies were performed on humans and 12 on animals.

But due to the lack of high-quality research, this study didn’t get sufficient data to prove the effect of apple cider vinegar on the human body. [Ref]

Antiglycemic property of vinegar: A study of 2010 concluded that vinegar has the anti glycemic property. 

Food which is composed of complex carbohydrates, if we take a small amount (10gm) of vinegar with a meal, it will be effective in reducing postprandial glycemia. [Ref]

Another study is from 2018 which was specifically done on diabetes and blood glucose control. The material used here was not apple cider vinegar but vinegar. [Ref

Apple cider vinegar and vinegar just differ in color. Vinegar which is also called spirit or White vinegar is white where apple cider vinegar is brown. Though there is not very much difference between apple cider vinegar and vinegar, you should know the exact thing when it comes to health.

This study aimed to estimate the data for long term use and short term use of vinegar.

For long term means 8-12 weeks and the short term means after 2 hours of fasting, after 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes.

They consider the postprandial glucose test after 2 hours of fasting.

What they got in the result was, there was a little significant reduction in HbA1c after 8-12 weeks of vinegar administration. For the short term use of vinegar, there was no significant data to conclude anything.

But to know the efficacy a large planned trial should be conducted. This was suggested by the researchers. So, let’s hope we’ll get some news very soon.

Let’s conclude the answer “is apple cider vinegar good for diabetes?”

Other Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar:

apple cider vinegar and cupcake Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Diabetes? [New Studies]

Kills harmful bacteria: It kills the harmful bacteria, pathogens inside your gut. People use vinegar as a disinfectant also.

May help in Weight loss:  Vinegar gives the feeling of fullness of your stomach. This will help in eating less and will result in weight loss. There are different methods to use apple cider vinegar for weight loss.

Beneficial For Skin: People use vinegar for clear and fair skin. Act as antibacterial in the skin which prevents skin infection.

As Home remedy: Used as a home remedy, in disinfection, in wound cleaning, etc.

For ear infection: Yes, you can use ACV in an ear infection. You can read the method how to use apple dider for ear infection in our other post.


After seeing so many studies, research papers, and review papers we can say “Apple cider vinegar may help in lowering blood glucose level”. 

As the glycemic index of ACV is low, a diabetic can take apple cider vinegar but only after consulting your doctor. 

Your doctor can say only if it is good for you or not. Your current blood glucose level will decide your present condition. Constantly monitor your blood glucose level.

It is not confirm that apple cider vinegar is good for diabetes because there is no direct experiment on this. If ACV would have low blood glucose level then we can say only that yes apple cider vinegar is good for a hyperglycemic diabeties.

If we get any news on apple cider vinegar for diabetes, we’ll reach out to you. 

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Faizan Z Simnani
Faizan Z Simnani
He is a biotechnology student, research-oriented, planning to opt for a doctoral program after completing his master's. Already involved in project research. Pursuing B.Tech-M.Tech in Biotechnology. Have skills in Digital Marketing, Copywriting, Content Marketing. Started this site on health blogging to contribute to the health community.

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