
Buttermilk for Weight Loss: Is It Really Good For You?

Buttermilk is a fermented drink. It is generally the liquid left out after churning the butter. Buttermilk is also known as chhaachh (छाछ) in Hindi in India.

Buttermilk does not generally contain fat. We all love to consume buttermilk as it is refreshing. Drinking a cup of buttermilk will help us avoid the urge to consume junk food and even not to drink unnecessary fatty drinks.

Buttermilk for weight loss is very much ideal for people who want to reduce their body fat. Being a low-calorie diet, buttermilk is usually suggested to people who are on a low-calorie diet.

Nutritional Value of Buttermilk

If we take 100 gram of buttermilk it contains,

Buttermilk ComponentsValue
Protein 3.3g

Buttermilk contains a very low amount of fat and many vitamins and minerals with added protein. Many minerals including potassium and calcium that are useful to health are also present in a good amount.

Buttermilk for Weight Loss

We already know from the nutritional value that buttermilk contains low fat, although it is rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Apart from keeping us hydrated, buttermilk keeps us full for a long period. Hence it reduces the unnecessary craving for junk foods with high-calorie content. It is considered an ideal drink for people wanting to lose weight.

It can be said that buttermilk is a good substitute for fats. Hence those who are on their journey to lose some weight, are ready to change their appetizer to buttermilk.

Buttermilk contains riboflavin which generally converts the food to energy. This process aids in proper digestion which is important for weight loss.

Buttermilk contains bacteria or natural probiotics that maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract and thus keeping away the stomach from any indigestion and stomach-related disorder.

There are several ways that buttermilk makes it possible to lose weight, from adding probiotics to the diet to changing the appetizer.

So, Is buttermilk good for weight loss? Buttermilk can a great alternative to junk food which might add fat in your body weight. Buttermilk or chaach helps and good for weight loss as it reduces the craving for more food and adds minerals and vitamins to your diet.  

6 Health Benefits of Buttermilk that Helps in Weight Loss

Fights Constipation

Yes, that’s right, buttermilk proves to be a natural remedy for this annoying health issue as it eases the bowel movement in our body.

Prevents Dehydration

Buttermilk is mainly made up of curd and water. And as it mostly contains water, it has lots of electrolytes in it which prevents dehydration.

A Natural Coolant

It is a great drink for summer. It provides our body with a cooling effect and mainly to our digestive system. It can be a great drink for women with post-menopausal hot flashes also when we have a burning sensation in our stomach.

Reduces Acidity

You can have a cup of buttermilk immediately after meals if you are feeling acid reflux. It tries to reduce the irritation in the stomach lining caused due to the refluxes.

Good For Bones and Teeth

Buttermilk is rich in calcium. Calcium ensures healthy bone and teeth. Also, calcium helps to prevent diseases like osteoporosis. Buttermilk is a great source of calcium for people on diet.

Reduces Blood Pressure

Regular consumption of buttermilk leads to a reduction in blood pressure as it contains potassium. Also, the presence of bioactive proteins marks the cholesterol-reducing properties.

The Bottom Line

I would like to conclude this article by mentioning that our very own favorite buttermilk comes with many health benefits. It won’t be wrong to say that buttermilk is healthier than our regular milk as it has is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Buttermilk or Chhaachh can help us in weight loss as it keeps us full for a longer time. Hence those who are planning on weight loss, you can mark buttermilk as a regular drink. We can consume it regularly as it helps our body with other required benefits.


Anmol Choudhury
Anmol Choudhury
She is a research enthusiast, doing her master’s degree in biotechnology. Associated with the research program and planning to opt for a doctoral program in drug delivery & designing in a reputed organization.

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