
New Skills Treatment: For People With Suicidal Thoughts

A theory that came across recently which tells us about how to stop or prevent suicidal thoughts with learning new skills. It is quite shocking when you will go through the statistical data of the American Foundation for suicide prevention.

image showing a man in depression, new skills treatment

48 344 Americans died in 2018 due to suicide.

It also says that on average there are 132 suicide per Day

When you talk about India suicide became the new trend in quite recent years.

When you see the statistical data of suicides in India, you will find that in 2016 the number of suicides in India had increased to 230314.

About 17 % of the total suicides of the world are from India.

Depression is one of the main reasons that cause this type of suicidal thoughts.

Depression is now a very common and serious mental health illness.

It shows negative affect your feeling, thinking, and action.

Depression can run in the family, genetically.

Due to some stress and chemical reaction in the brain can also lead to depression symptoms.

Symptoms of depression:

Feeling sad, loss of appetite, loss of interest in activities, the feeling of worthlessness, and Suicidal thoughts.

Now, I will tell you about the new experiment which has recently been approved.

Journal of Mental Health published this article.

Dana Alonzo Performed this experiment.

She wanted to know the perspective of depressed individuals with suicidal thoughts through a decisional balance worksheet.

In this experiment, she examines the pros and cons of mental health treatment use and non-utilization.

And this was also the aim of the experiment.

Adults with these types of suicidal thoughts were taken to the emergency room for treatment.

These individuals were in depression.

There they recorded the pros and cons of mental health treatment.

What they got in the result was quite amazing.

40% of the total individuals who were in the emergency room represented the pro of utilizing treatment.

The most frequently cited pro of treatment use was “Learning New Skills”.

39.6% was pros of treatment use which was most frequently

Another 11.6% were the pros of non-utilizing treatment.

After getting this beautiful and effective result they conclude that this method of treatment can be very effective in mental health treatment.

If this treatment can be reinforced then the treatment can be very effective at every single individual level.

It will reduce the risk of each case of depressed individuals with suicidal ideation.

Reference: : Dana Alonzo (2020) Pros and cons of mental health treatment: reports from depressed clients with suicidal ideation, Journal of Mental Health,

Faizan Z Simnani
Faizan Z Simnani
He is a biotechnology student, research-oriented, planning to opt for a doctoral program after completing his master's. Already involved in project research. Pursuing B.Tech-M.Tech in Biotechnology. Have skills in Digital Marketing, Copywriting, Content Marketing. Started this site on health blogging to contribute to the health community.

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