
Does Milk With Honey Benefits Weight Loss?

We can add honey with milk for a better taste. Being honey sugar-free, it can easily replace sugar from your food. But is it healthy and does milk with honey benefit weight loss?

Milk With Honey benefits for Weight Loss

Milk consider a balanced diet for so many reasons. Additionally, honey alone is an incredible source of so many nutrients and vitamins.

Milk and honey are two powerful ingredients. They are a source of essential nutrients for the human body. When combined, they provide numerous health benefits.

Milk with honey has been a classic combination in India for ages. This is featured in India’s kitchens for drinks, desserts, and its rich sweet flavor.

For a Cup of Honey-Milk, We Consume:

  • Total Fat: 4.8 g
  • Sodium: 100.9 mg
  • Potassium: 10.9 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 28.7 g
  • Protein: 8.1 g

It contains a high amount of protein and different vitamins. Many minerals like sodium, potassium are present in good amounts. But contains a lower percentage of fats. Thus, milk with honey benefits weight loss.

Honey-Milk for weight loss

It is already known from the nutrient fact that Honey with Milk contains a lower fat amount, but rich in protein, vitamins, and different minerals. Honey is classed as “free sugar” and contains beneficial nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants.

A study has shown that athletes, who consumed fructose-rich edibles like honey, tend to burn more body fats and observed increased stamina levels. Honey acts on the liver to make it produce glucose, which forces the brain to release fat-burning hormones.

Many people think that being sweat in taste, honey may result in weight gain. So is it a myth or is honey milk good for weight loss? Honey Milk is a great alternate for junk food, alcohols that may increase body weight. It helps to prevent dehydration as milk contains a certain amount of water. It is an ideal drink; it reduces the cravings for sweet teeth.

It has also been seen that many people drink a glass of honey with milk just before bed. It helps to maintain sleep cycles and promotes better sleep quality. So, if you are facing a hard time sleep, you should try this. A person with lactose intolerant might affect in a bad way.

4 Benefits of Honey-Milk That Helps in Weight Loss

Helps in Digestion

Honey is prebiotic. It helps to grow useful bacteria in our digestive system. When honey is consumed with milk, it helps to maintain the gastrointestinal tract and keeps it healthy by preventing bloating, constipation, and cramps. 

Increases Stamina 

Milk with honey benefits stamina. It is rich in vitamin B, fructose which helps to increase stamina.

Prevents Dehydration 

Honey milk is mainly made of milk and few drops of honey. It mostly contains water (milk contains 87% water) and other minerals which keep the body hydrated.

Reduces stress

Milk and honey provide a soothing effect on the body as it releases serotonin in the brain, which helps in relaxation.

The Bottom Line

Milk with honey comes with many benefits along with weight loss. It is rich in nutrients and healthy for refreshment. Just like other remedies, it has side effects too. For lactose, intolerant consuming milk is not suitable, consuming in a large amount may result in weight gain and different acne and skin problems. Therefore, it is best to moderate the consumption and enjoy milk with honey as a balanced diet.


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