
How To Improve Endurance? Learn Effective Ways to Increase the Body Efficiency

Wishing to achieve our dream figure, we often face many problems. One of them is the low efficiency of the body, which makes it impossible to achieve satisfactory results during exercise. Quick fatigue and the inability to achieve progress make us discouraged and often give up physical activity.

Meanwhile, there are many methods to improve endurance. Here are some effective ways to increase your body’s efficiency through proper diet and some exercise.

What Determines the Body Efficiency

The efficiency we have depends primarily on our health and the amount of exercise in our lives. In short, how much you exercise affects how much you can exercise.

What does this mean in practice? If you live a sedentary lifestyle and your activity is minimal, you may find it difficult to complete increasingly simple tasks. Climbing the third floor turns out to be comparable to climbing Mount Everest, and running a hundred meters to the streetcar will make you breathless for the next 10 minutes.

Our body has the ability to adapt to various conditions. When you serve him a sitting life, it lowers metabolism, blood pressure, and… endurance. So, to increase your possibilities, you just have to start moving.

What is of great importance for the effectiveness of the body is also health. If you are chronically ill, have circulatory and respiratory problems, it is difficult to expect exceptional results in the gym.

For this reason, it is extremely important to perform basic tests, such as morphology or ECG, and to check the level of TSH (thyroid hormone) at least once a year.

Diet is also important. It is impossible to achieve great results with incorrect nutrition. It’s as if you expect your diesel to carry you to the end of the world when you pour gasoline into it. Your body also needs the right fuel.

What to Eat to Increase the Body’s Efficiency

Whether you want to increase your body’s capacity to climb the fourth floor with ease, or you want to climb the highest rocks, you need to take care of what you supply your body with.

Take Care of a Balanced Diet:

Vitamins and minerals are equally important, without which the implementation of basic activities is impossible. Despite this, many of us forget that each element of our diet is of great importance for health and performance.

Your performance may be weakened by vitamin D3 deficiency, which most Poles suffer from. This compound is produced in the body as a result of the influence of sunlight, which is, unfortunately, lacking in our climate. The low level of vitamin D3 leads to a decrease in immunity and an increase in susceptibility to rheumatic, autoimmune diseases, and depression.

Vitamin C is also very important, which is a very strong antioxidant, and B vitamins. We can find them in vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts, fish, and eggs.

People suffering from iron deficiency also complain about low efficiency. So it’s worth taking care of the right amount of spinach, beetroot, kale, or red meat in your diet.

What to Eat to Increase Performance?


Bet on healthy proteins in the form of lean meat, fish, and legumes. Contrary to appearances, people on a vegan diet are able to build muscle mass and ensure performance at a satisfactory level. They just need to ensure an adequate supply of ingredients in the consumed brews.


It is worth remembering that the body draws its energy first from carbohydrates. It is glucose that first enters the cycle of changes aimed at producing the ATP molecule, which is an energy carrier. Therefore, sugars are a very important component of the diet.

Nevertheless, the body can also use proteins and fats for this purpose, so you should not overdo it with the number of carbohydrates. It is important that the menu is properly balanced.

Go for healthy complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, bread, and whole-wheat pasta, as well as fruit (in a moderate amount).


Don’t be afraid of fat. Contrary to popular belief, your body needs good, healthy fats to work efficiently.

The type of these ingredients is the most important. Replace saturated (mainly animal) fats with unsaturated ones. Choose foods like avocados, cold-pressed oils (such as linseed or coconut), nuts, and white meat.

Give up Stimulants:

First of all, forget about stimulants. Alcohol, cigarettes, or worse, drugs will not help you achieve your goal. On the contrary – they will distance him from you. Even if your plate at every meal offers a perfectly balanced arrangement of ingredients, a beer during and a cigarette right after will ruin your efforts.

Alcohol reduces the body’s efficiency, disrupts the functioning of the circulatory system, overloads the liver, and causes the accumulation of unnecessary fat tissue. The fatal impact of cigarettes does not need any introduction. Suffice it to mention that nicotine-laden respiratory and circulatory systems will not help you gain any peaks, apart from exhausting your body.

Put on Water:

Remember that your body is mostly water. It helps in the proper course of a number of processes, and also perfectly detoxifies the body.

The amount of water you drink during the day depends on your level of physical activity as well as your age and gender. People who exercise should remember to replenish the water deficit after exercise. It is also worth mentioning that women are recommended to drink liquids for up to 3 hours before going to bed. Drinking at night may result in water retention in the body – in the morning you wake up with swelling of the limbs and eyelids.

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