
COVID-19 IndiaOutbreak: 9 Actual Facts Can Help You to Calm Down

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Everybody in India got panicked when the first case was first tested confirm. And the COVID-19 IndiaOutbreak made us do those things which we never ever imagined like, social distancing from our own.


But there are lots of things which we have to look into because people are very panicked. Lots of rumors are spreading which making the situation worse.

Total confirmed cases in India has reached to 173 in which 149 are active cases, 20 recovered cases, and 4 fatal (death) cases.

When we see Worldwide cases of COVID-19: 229,491 are confirmed cases in which 134,284 cases are active, 85,862 are recovered cases where 9,345 are fatal cases.

According to the WHO, there are over 35,000 cases and 2,900 deaths in Italy. In Iran, where 255 stranded Indians tested positive, over 17,000 cases have been reported. Spain has nearly 14,000 cases.

There are nearly 170 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India and at least three deaths have been linked to the virus. As per the Union Health Ministry, Maharashtra and Kerala are the two worst-affected states, with 42 and 25 cases, respectively.

State governments have shut down public spaces, such as malls, cinemas, gyms, and swimming pools, which have urged citizens to refrain from large gatherings and closed schools and colleges.

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Graphical Representation of COVID-19 IndiaOutbreak Cases


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Team BioWellBeing decided to make this graph to make you people understand easily that how COVID-19 IndiaOutbreak is effective.

In the above graph, we can clearly see that the deaths are very very less compared to the total confirmed cases. But we are panicked because we don’t know the actual facts about the COVID-19. These things you should know to calm down yourself.

9 Actual Facts of COVID-19 IndiaOutbreak

  1. First, the death rate in India is very low comparing to other countries like Italy.
  2. The second thing is this virus is not fatal to each and every one. If you tested confirmed, this doesn’t mean that you are going to die. Many people getting recovered in the 9th or 10th days of affecting normal flu medicines.
  3. The government has already locked down the country which will prevent the virus to spread anymore.
  4. Many states declared that the people who are coming from other countries, have to quarantine themselves for 14 days. Which is a great initiative by the government,
  5. Our doctors and researchers working day and night to keep the situation in control.
  6. Everybody right now is helping each other to calm down, even Prime Minister of India coming live to address the people.
  7. We already have the preventive measure.
  8. Vaccines are already in trial.
  9. We are together here and we can fight this pandemic.
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