
Can A Diabetic Patient Eat Guava? Guava For Diabetes Patient Is Good or Not?

Guava indeed is a very common tropical fruit and very nutritive fruit. But whether guava for diabetes is dangerous or useful? Many people who are suffering from diabetes have this question. So let’s have a clear idea on this topic.

image showing guava for diabetes

BiowellBeing Team has done some research after getting this question, if guava is good food or not? Can a diabetic patient eat guava? And we found that, Yes a diabetic patient can eat guava. Consuming guava is good for a diabetic patient, but it should be in limit.

Like guava, we get these types of questions about watermelon and oat and other foods also. Whether watermelon is good for diabetes or not? like this oat is good or not for a diabetes patient?

But how guava maintains the body glucose level, calorie in our body, the glycemic index? We should know about it. So, let’s have a look in this.

Before starting the topic that guava for diabetes or a diabetic patient is dangerous or not, let’s talk about some facts of Guava fruit, how guava keeps the health in balance for a normal person.

It will help us to understand further the balance of diabetic patient’s health.

Facts About Guava:

  • Guava is used, in some form or another, to treat an array of ailments including fever, constipation and diarrhea, high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, and dysentery.
  • Guavas contain 4 times more fiber than a pineapple and 4 times more vitamin C than an orange.
  • The young guava leaves are boiled to make a tea to cleanse wounds.
  • In El Salvador, the wood of a guava shrub is used to make hair combs.
  • India has over 27,000 tons of pink guava every year.
  • It provides us with the energy of about 68kcal.

Why Guava For Diabetes?

Most of the studies said that guava for diabetes or diabetic patient is good but this should be in limit. But what is the limit and how should diabetes patients consume this fruit? Let’s see.

The modern-day lifestyle has made a shift in the diet and with the hectic lifestyle, it has become crucial for us to have a check for the different problems we may encounter due to internal problems in our body.

And with this lifestyle, the chances of getting diabetes increase. Guava for diabetes or for diabetic patients is wonderful. It has been a very low glycemic index (a relative ranking of carbohydrates in the food according to how they affect blood glucose levels).

The low Glycemic Index (GI) and glycemic load makes them extremely healthy for diabetics and lower the risks of developing diabetes.

How Guava For Diabetes/Diabetics Patient Works?

A recent study showed that eating guavas can help to lower and regulate blood glucose levels efficiently to check type 2 diabetes.

It is very rich in dietary fiber that enables the ease of constipation(a common diabetic complaint).

Guava is low in calories which helps in weight management. An increase in weight is a risk to diabetics.

Guava is highly rich in fiber and thus keeps a check for blood sugar level.

Fiber takes a long time to time digest making sure that it is not released into the bloodstream quickly.

As we already discussed the glycemic index. Guava keeps the glycemic index very low for the diabetic patient.

It also contains a high rate of Vitamin C which helps in building an immune system that can fight chronic diseases like diabetes.

Another good quality of guava is, it gives lots of energy to the patient or the person who consumes it. Eventually, it helps in doing daily work with less eating which is very necessary for a diabetic patient.

One thing which should be made sure is that we should peel off the outer cover.


Guava, the very common and tropical fruit is not dangerous for diabetic patients even guava for diabetes can be very helpful. They should just make sure that they eat it in a moderate amount.

Its sugar content can keep the Belly full for some time due to which the sugar content can be restrained. Along with guava, you can also use guava leaves in the early morning which keeps blood sugar level balanced

guava for diabetes info-graphic
Anmol Choudhury
Anmol Choudhury
She is a research enthusiast, doing her master’s degree in biotechnology. Associated with the research program and planning to opt for a doctoral program in drug delivery & designing in a reputed organization.

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