BMI Calculator
What is BMI/Body Mass Index?
It is a measure derived from the height and weight of a person. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height and is universally expressed in units of kg/m2, resulting from mass in kilograms and height in meters.


Height To Weight Ratio Chart
[1pound(lb)=0.45kg, 1 inch=2.54cm,1ft=30.48cm]

Understanding Your BMI/Body Mass Index
Body mass index, or BMI, is a standard value based on the weight and size of an individual. The BMI is measured in pounds and inches, expressed per decimetre, and is usually determined by multiplying pounds by one hundred and forty to get the BMI.
For most people, the BMI tends to be a fairly good indicator of how much they are overweight, but a low BMI does not always mean that a person will not have health problems. Many people with low BMI’s do have higher risks of various kinds of cancers and other health problems, however, and it is important to talk to your doctor if you think that you may have a high or low BMI.
The majority of people who are overweight will be considered to be underweight. Overweight refers to those who weigh more than they should, while underweight refers to those who weigh less than they should.
Many different things contribute to being overweight or underweight, including their age, activity level, body type, genetic predisposition to weight gain or loss, gender, and diet. Most importantly, however, some factors contribute to both conditions.
Your height and weight are not particularly well correlated with your body fatness or with your BMI. In fact, the correlation is quite the opposite. The closer to the ideal (ideal weight) you are, the lower your BMI. The further away from that ideal you are, the higher your BMI tends to be. This can make it very difficult to determine whether you are overweight or obese, especially if you are extremely over or underweight.
There are several ways that you can find out about your BMI or your normal weight range. You can get this information by requesting your own health information from a doctor or you can use the BMI calculator available on many websites.
You can also go online and use one of the free online BMI calculators. The advantage of using a free online calculator is that it will give you a fairly accurate idea about your BMI just by providing your name, height, and gender.
If you find that you are extremely overweight, the first step you should take is to begin to lose weight. Losing any excess body weight will greatly reduce your risk for many kinds of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Because the relationship between BMI and health is so strong, many people will choose to go on very low-calorie diets. These diets are notoriously bad for you and have been proven to produce terrible results. Even if you can lose just a few pounds, however, doing so regularly will greatly improve your chances of remaining healthy.
It is also important to note that just because you are considered to be underweight does not mean that you have to stay that way. Your physician or dietitian can assist you in developing an appropriate weight loss program for you. Once you have reached a healthy weight, you may still want to use the BMI calculator to determine whether or not you are still within the acceptable overweight range.
One of the other major risks factors associated with being extremely overweight is the increased risk for developing certain medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Although the risks of these medical conditions are generally thought to be minor, the increased risk for individuals who are considered to be extremely overweight or even obese is not.
If you are one of the millions of people who are considered to be extremely overweight or if you have lost some of your original weight, you may want to consider consulting a physician or other health care professional to determine if some other things could be causing you to have an underweight body mass index.
In many cases, an underweight BMI can be rectified simply by making some small lifestyle changes. Once you have achieved your ideal weight, you can then determine if using a BMI calculator to determine your ideal body weight is accurate or not.