The relation between watermelon and diabetes is quite simple. But some necessary points are also there to be known about.
People often ask can I eat watermelon if I have diabetes? Is it safe to eat? If it is safe how much should I eat? Here I am going to answer all these questions and some other great stuff as well.
Watermelon is one of the most edible food in the summer. But for diabetic people sometimes get very cautious about their diet and they reject watermelon to eat.
But the fact is, watermelon for a diabetic is safe. Though there are some aspects that should be considered. Let’s see how watermelon and diabetes fit in each other requirements.
Low glycemic index food is good and healthy for a diabetic person. GI was originally designed for diabetic people for the right selection of food.
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Studies show that food with a low glycemic index or low glycemic load is best for a diabetic person in terms of glycemic control.
Glycemic Index (GI) describes the response of your blood glucose level, whether it will decrease or increase after consumption of any carbohydrate-containing food.
According to the Glycemic index of Watermelon is 72 which is high but due to the 92% water content, its glycemic index becomes 5 based on a typical serving size of 120 grams.
So, watermelon and diabetes fit straight. Both non-diabetic and diabetic can consume this pleasant-tasting food.
Watermelon and Diabetes: How It Benefits?
Improves Glycemic Status:
Watermelon and diabetes fit here very much. A diabetes person needs low glycemic loaded food.
Watermelon is a low glycemic loaded food but with tons of extra nutrition and hydration.
As this food has high glycemic index but for 92% content of water its glycemic load become low at 5.
Now, at this glycemic load, a diabetic person can eat watermelon.
Improves Inflammation in Diabetic Mellitus:
A new study says that watermelon extract and citrulline can improve inflammation in diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes and inflammation can be correlated. In diabetes type 2, the body becomes less sensitive to insulin and leads to insulin resistance and that results in the inflammation.
An additional dangerous cycle can lead to more inflammation and causing more insulin resistance.
Avocado, Flaxseed oil, canola oil, omega 3 fatty acid, walnut are natural anti-inflammatory for diabetes inflammation.
Decrease Insulin Resistance:

If nitric oxide amount gets decreased in our body, it results in insulin resistance in diabetes. This insulin resistance results in inflammation in the body.
Watermelon is full of citrulline. Citrulline is the precursors of nitric oxide and arginine.
So, Watermelon for a diabetic can be very helpful and healthy. Here also, watermelon and diabetes complete each other.
Watermelon Is an Anti-Oxidant For Diabetics:
Watermelon and diabetes superbly fit here. Watermelon is a great anti-oxidant that can be excellent for a diabetic.
Foods with high anti-oxidant help the body to function optimally.
Watermelon contains Lycopene which is a great anti-oxidant. Watermelon is a unique source of lycopene.
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Studies show that lycopene consumption is great for a rich nutritional profile with lots of health benefits
Other than watermelon lycopene can be also found in tomato, pink guava, etc.
Watermelon is also effective in reducing cancer insurgence, cardiovascular disorder, muscular disorder because of lycopene.
Watermelon Keeps The Diabetic Hydrated:
92% of watermelon is water. For overall hydration in the body, watermelon can be fruitful for a diabetic person.
In the total body fluid, watermelon can full fill 20-30 percent of fluid requirement alone.
Juice of watermelon contains lots of electrolytes that are very effective in fluid balance. These electrolytes can even help in preventing heart stroke.
But be cautious with the juice of a watermelon. Watermelon juice has a high glycemic load which is not good for a diabetic person.
Full of Nutrition But Not Calories:
For a diabetic calorie is not good but they need loads of nutrition. Here, watermelon and diabetes settled perfectly.
Watermelon contains little amount of calories. 2 cups of diced watermelon or 1/8 of a medium watermelon contain only 80 cal in one serving.
It is an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and potassium.
Helps In Digestion:
Watermelon is good food for digestion. Watermelon contains a large amount of water and a small amount of fiber.
Both of them, water and fiber are essential for better digestion.
Fiber can provide bulk for the stool and water is essential for the movement of the bowl.
Fibrous rich food, vegetables, or fruits, including watermelon are helpful in the movement of bowel.
Here also watermelon and diabetes fit together well.
Keeps Your Stomach Full:
Watermelon and diabetes are very comfortable at this point. Diabetic people need not eat much otherwise weight gain can result.
Watermelon give the sensation of full stomach. It reduced the urge of eating, thus watermelon can help in weight management.
Other Contents of Watermelon And Their Benefits:
Watermelon contains lycopene, citrulline, water, anti-oxidant, fibers, etc which are essential for a diabetic person.
But other than these, watermelon also contains different vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals which are beneficial not only for diabetic but also for non-diabetic people.
Vitamin A
569 IU/100g watermelon (International Unit) – 19% of the total
Benefits: Vitamin A is present in the form of carotenoids. Helps in good vision, a healthy immune system, and cell growth.
Vitamin C
8.1mg/100g watermelon – 13.5% of total
Benefits: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps the cell being damaged from the free radicals.
Vitamin B6
0.1mg/100g watermelon- 3% of total
Benefits: Vitamin B6 helps in developing a healthy brain and a healthy body. Also, act as a metabolic enhancer.
112mg/100g watermelon- 2.5% of total
Benefits: Potassium helps in regulating your heartbeat and blood pressure and muscle contraction. Also helps in protein synthesis and proper nerve conduction.
10mg/100g watermelon- 2.5% of total
Benefits: Magnesium helps in strengthening the bones, for better cardiovascular health, for migraines, etc.
Vitamin E
0.05mg/100g watermelon- 0-5% of total
Benefits: Prevents skin cancer, for healthy skin, moisturizes the skin.
So, the relation between watermelon and diabetes fit together very well. A diabetic or a non-diabetic both can eat and enjoy watermelon in summer. But, a diabetic person should not consume watermelon juice as the glycemic load increases.
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